Every good writer needs a writing desk. Some of the greatest minds in literature famously had a trusted writing desk from which some of the most iconic and well known novels were penned. If you're looking for a writing desk, why not choose one that is worthy of your craft and choose a traditional handcrafted Syrian desk or bureau.
Choose a Writing Desk Worthy of your Craft: Choose a Syrian Desk
It has been said that writing desks first emerged during the late 17th century. These traditionally featured a sloping front desk and included many drawers and grooves in which pens could be placed. These were referred to as bureaus and were in high demand. As time moved on, writing tables were introduced which were more simple in design. Though It is said that the more ornate and eye catching your writing desk, the better the muse. How true this is we can't say but what we can tell you is that a Syrian desk featuring the hallmark Syrian mother of pearl and intricate engravings is so breath taking your mind can be transported to another time or even another world entirely.